January 24, 2016

Journey To My Happy Place

There's nothing like suffering with your own thoughts that you don't even understand. Its like trying to make sense of everything but nothing seems to actually do, so you wait for a new day hoping it brings you some new understanding.

My biggest flaw is that I've embarked on this journey to search for myself through others, in hope that someone else other than me has the answers, oh hell, even the questions!
I tell you avoid doing this at all costs, I've become what others wanted me to be. I became what a guy wanted me to be, what an enemy told me I was & what the devil and the world told me I should be! In the midst of this all I became deaf to my own voice.
I have realised that in times of struggles, confusion & hardships are the times of when the devil and even your own mind will pull you away from your true strength, because trust & believe you have it. On my journey to my happiness, I came to the understanding that my own mind was what I was really fighting.
You know that your mind is truly scared of the present, so it  will only allow you access the past and dream of the future. Our minds are programmed to fight and remove pain from our life's but when you identify with the mind you become unconscious meaning you are not living in the present or some might say in-denial. Most of the time all it can achieve is covering up the pain. 
" The harder the mind struggles to get rid of the pain, the greater the pain" This quote has been close to me since this journey began; through it I noticed that the mind can never find the solution and it most certainly can not afford to let you find a solution.This is because of its intrinsic part of the problem. 

Some days I lose this battle with my mind but I've been choosing everyday to look deeper into the wealth I possess. 
To continuously seek to be present 
To look deep inside of me for the answers & questions 


Complex | Decisions 


1 comment

  1. The answer is in you not in anyone else doll. Great you seen that before the world destroyed you. sad how the mind doesn't always give us answers and solutions, life would be so much easier.



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